Monday, 24 March 2014

Concept illustrations

After dong the illustrations of the mannequin I then went on and did some hand drawings of my concept, which is Mens Japanese street style. I used the cartridge of a felt tip for the thick black lines and I used graphite for the other. 
24th March 2014 
L xo

Hand Rendering


After the session where we had so draw the mannequin, I went onto doing some more illustrations in my own time, for these I tried new medias. I used the cartridge from inside a felt-tip to create the rough thick black lines, and for the coloured one I used fine liner and then make up to add colour, I got taught this technique by my class mate Naomi. I used blusher, pink nail varnish and also pink eyeshadow.
24th March 2014 
L xo

Hand Rendering session

For this session we had to dress up a mannequin and then draw it in different medias in quick 10 minute sketches. When I did this I hadn't drawn in a good few months so they weren't very good, but I went a did some more hand drawings in my own time. For my sketches I tried to use different medias, I used black felt-tip, charcoal, and water colours. 

March 24th 2014

Monday, 17 March 2014

Illustraitor Turotial

For the first induction to Illustrator we were given a sheet to learn how to make lines and curves using the pen tool. I found this session very useful because it was my first time using illustrator.
March 17th 2014

Monday, 10 March 2014

Photoshop Induction

In the past brief we had a Photoshop tutorial, I haven't had much experience on Photoshop before now, so i benefited from the basic skills for example experimenting existing fashion figures, filling in with colours and placed patterns. I will practice on this software in my personal study time so that i can acquire the skills for my images for my zine. 

10th March 2014

Monday, 3 March 2014

Fashion Practice and New Technology

This brief is a further analysation of my researched concept from the previous brief, combining fashion ideas and development I will create a blog and zine. The outcomes of this brief after having an introduction to different useful software's including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, I will cover hand and digital rendering, logos, artist research, mood boards and inspirational images and events. I will create a zine with a developed product range and also the research to back it up. In this brief i will hopefully touch on photography and styling for the front cover of my Zine. 

3rd March 2014

L x