Monday, 28 April 2014

Magazine Research

Company Mag
I had a look at some of my magazines for inspiration for my issue page. My favourite magazine to read is Company, I love the way that they set out their pages and they give off a very playful vibe. My favourite aspects of the pages are the tall thin fonts, and also the lined paper in the background.  


//Scrapbook style//


ID Magazine 
I also like the unique style of ID, I find the pages very raw and simple, but effective. I like the colouring of the images, its almost like they have dulled down the colours to make it feel moody. 

I like the way the text is over the image here
28th April 2014 

Artist Research

Artist research: 
Jim Yong Kim.

Based in Seoul, Korea. 

I have taken Jim Yong Kim as inspiration because my concept is Mens Japanese street style, and Jim is a designer who styles and design the same style clothing as I want my brand to design. He is also a photographer who photographs street style in Korea, and the outfits are amazing. I love the colours that are used in his work, I love how the wear all black and then have a bight coloured background to grab the viewers attention. I also like the geometric backgrounds of like stairs and also shadowing, when I do my shoot I'll use this as inspiration. This is the link to his Tumblr.. Jim Yong Kim

Illustrator workshop

This was the second tutorial we had in Illustrator, and the first time I'd ever done a digital fashion illustration. I found this lesson particularly hard. I completed the tutorial, but I want to come back and do some neater illustrations. 

Trend mood board

28th April 2014 

Monday, 7 April 2014

These flat drawings were my second attempt at illustrator. I did a pair of harem pants for concept and the matched them with a baggy over sized t-shirt.
Monday 7th April.

This was the first flat drawing that I did, I did it in the workshop following the sheet that was given out as a guide. This was my first time using illustrator properly after the first induction and I found it fairly difficult to get my head around, but once I got used to it I have been able to use the program basically. When I tried to upload this image after exporting it in illustrator, I was having some difficulties uploading it onto BlogSpot. I had to go back and save the file as a web image so that it uploaded easier. 
Monday 7th April