Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Feed Back

Throughout this brief I feel like I have progressed in many areas. I found It difficult at first when using Adobe programs as I have only used them briefly. I feel like since the beginning of the brief I have learn very valuable skills in how to use illustrator and Indesign that will help me through until the end of my course.There is still more room for improvement but I can now say in confidence that i am comfortable using illustrator. We haven't had many tutorials in Photoshop, which is a shame, but i know if i ever need anything doing or helping that the mac technicians will be able to teach me. 

After completing my magazine I now was to figure my personal style as I don't feel like I have found it yet, but over summer I am going to carry on working on my illustrations  hand and digital so that next year I will feel comfortable drawing in a style. 

The brief was channelling yet I feel like I managed my time well and progressed my skills in my own study time. If I was to do the brief again I would work more on my communication work and try doing some illustrations in different medias and searching for different techniques to use on illustrator.

May 20th, 2014.
L x


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